Thursday, May 13, 2010

Story of my life

Some of you may be wondering how my previous post describes the story of my life. Whether you were or not, prepare to be enlightened (unless you choose to stop reading). If you read my blog, you probably know me, so you've probably heard these stories before, possibly multiple times. Ignoring this, and forging ahead...

When I was in high school, people thought I was on drugs (I wasn't). People asked me drug-related questions several times.

One time I was just walking down the hall and a stranger stopped me and asked, "Do you want some marijuana?" I, being the terrified naive teenager I was, didn't even answer. I just ran away.

Another time I was in class during a break in the lesson. A guy came up to me and asked, "Do you do drugs?"
Me: No.
Druggie: Really? Why not?
Me: [Unable to think of a decent, polite response] Because I value my brain cells?
Druggie: Oh. OK. [Ambles away]
In retrospect, I wish I hadn't said that. I'm pretty sure there were better answers. But I was terrified and naive.

Yet another time I was at a church activity. The background to this story is that the blood vessels in my eyes are inflamed, so sometimes my eyes get really bloodshot, especially if I'm tired. I don't share this tidbit with everyone; it's none of their business. Another girl asked if I was OK.
Me: Sure. Just a little tired. Why?
Her: Your eyes are really red. Are you sure you haven't been crying?
Me: Yeah, I'm fine.
Her: Then are you on drugs?
Me: What?
Her: Either you've been crying or you're on drugs. And you said you haven't been crying, so... [significant look as she trails off]


  1. Were your eyes bloodhot during you Goldman Sachs interview??

  2. No. It used to be a lot worse than it is now.

  3. Also when you look dazed and confused while "thinking" it looks druggieish.
