Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Shivers

One thing never fails to give me an eerie feeling. I hate looking at photos or films of people when they were happy/healthy/alive and knowing that they are now sad/incapacitated/dead, especially when the images were captured shortly before things changed or when they are contrasted directly with the present. I can't even watch old movies and think about the actors and actresses. I have to think about only the characters, who are fictional and therefore unchanging.

Probably this says something deep and troubling about my psyche and/or fear of a similar change in my life, but I'd rather not think about that. Or old pictures.


  1. Why do you think we want pictures of you when you are happy, healthy and alive?

  2. Leave poor crazy Rachel alone.

  3. I LOVE old pictures. Love them. Tragic history can be beautiful when there's a face behind the actions, and I look over the photos of my dead relatives all the time. Like, ALL the time. Seriously.

    Do I give you the shivers now?

  4. You have too much time on your hands. Also that is how horror movies often start.

  5. Camilla, I understand that I'm crazy about it. That's one thing pictures are good for--remembering the good times.

    Maybe it has something to do with my non-visual mind?
