Sunday, May 31, 2009

THE lesson

There are certain stereotypes about BYU that I would really like to not believe. Today one of my bubbles was shattered. In Relief Society, the bishop taught the lesson. Now, I have had the awkward modesty and chastity lessons, but I had never before had a dating lesson.
He got up and told us that we need to flirt more. He also told us that we shouldn't sit next to our roommates in sacrament meeting because if there are young women sitting next to us, the young men can't sit next to us. Then he told us that we don't come to church just to listen to the lesson. We also are not at BYU to get an education, which is too bad, because education is pretty expensive and time-consuming. We apparently are here (at BYU and at church) so we can flirt and get married and have children. Sigh.
For the record, I am all for getting married and having children, and I definitely want that in my future sometime. I just don't want to be told in church that I need to flirt more and go on more dates, etc.
My only consolation is that it isn't just a BYU thing. Thank you Emma. We should form a support group sometime.


  1. Holy crap. Your dating lesson was like 50 billion times worse than ours. That'

  2. A-ma-zing. I absolutely love listening to you, because you manage to strengthen every stereotype that I hold. What a bishop... what a bishop.

  3. I don't know how I feel about you flirting with boys in church.
