Thursday, May 7, 2009


I think I have bad karma. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe sometime somebody was starving and I took the last free roll that was being handed out, or something. Anyway, now every time I'm starving and I'm offered free food, it ends up being hot dogs. I hate hot dogs, and have hated them since I was three.
Today I went to institute for the first time. The main reason I went is that I had heard they would feed me dinner afterwards. I went, and then afterwards they had hot dogs. The last time I was offered a free meal, it was also hot dogs. The time before that, it was hot dogs.
And thus we see that I have bad karma.


  1. Rachel Bohman, you of all people probably are the most deserving of good karma out of all of us. I bet you it's just all getting stored up and will surprise you with something really great one day. Like a free truck. Or a hamburger ;)

  2. I offered you corndogs. A little different.
