Monday, May 11, 2009


I bought flip-flops last week. I have somehow lived my entire life without ever wearing flip-flops, so I decided it was time to give in to the peer pressure and join the crowd.
Somehow, I had imagined that because almost everybody wears flip flops sometimes, and some people wear them all the time, they must be comfortable. I was wrong. They hurt between my toes, and wearing them has been akin to torture. Still, millions of people can't be wrong (famous last words) so I am determined to keep wearing them. Maybe if I break them in (or break in my feet) things will get better?


  1. You've. Never. Worn. Flops?!!!!!

    Dude, that's all I wore in high school! Remember? That's why I was always so prone to falling because they have no traction.

  2. Nope. This is my first time. But I have been prone enough to falling while wearing shoes with traction. So maybe it isn't the most brilliant idea I've ever had.

  3. Pain! Without love. Pain. Can't get enough.

    Yup. That's flip flops at first...but you get used to the feeling.

  4. What kind of flops do you have? If they're cheap ones, they'll also injure your foot due to lack of cushioning/arch support. Good luck. I try to never walk far in flip flops at all if I can avoid it.

  5. It took me years of searching and dozens and dozens of wasted dollars before I found the right pair.
