Friday, May 29, 2009


I have had a fairly eventful week, by my standards. Of course, that's not saying too much, but I feel like I should blog about some of the highlights. I have been informed that my blog is boring, and this post will probably be even more so than usual, so consider yourselves warned.
  • I spent last weekend in St. George and Zion's. My family picked me up on Friday and we went to In'N'Out Burger for dinner. Halfway through my burger, I realized it was pink to red in the middle and spent the next several days worrying about E. coli. However, the Mayo Clinic says healthy adults tend to recover on their own, and I don't have any symptoms, so life is good. :)
  • Southern Utah is beautiful. I love red rock. Also, we went to Brigham Young's winter home, and he had fig, pomegranate, pecan and almond trees. I may have to live in St. George when I grow up.
  • At Zion's, I got stuck climbing a 9 foot tall rock. I told the story to Josh, and he agreed that I am one of the ditziest people he knows.
  • Three words: Mango ice cream. Try some, it's delicious.
  • We played Bingo, and I won big money. Seriously, I won $2, and I feel rich.
  • Back in Provo, I made "Amish" friendship bread. Amish is in quotes because the recipe calls for instant pudding, which I doubt is very Amish, but it was good. I am a fan of baking.
  • Two book recommendations: The Thief by Meg Whalen Turner, which kept me up until 3:00 am reading, and Naked Economics by Charles Wheelan, which makes me feel ridiculously smart.
  • Restaurant recommendation: Tucano's. Josh came down to Provo on Wednesday, and we went to Tucano's (good food, good service, good company) and played Frisbee. I ate sushi and chicken hearts. Good times.
  • Incidentally, Wednesday was also the first time I intentionally skipped class (the last day of school or after AP tests doesn't count).
  • I went to bed before 1:00 am for the first time in months. It was good, and I felt virtuous. It will probably not happen again for a while.
  • I leave for Wales five weeks from today.
And that's my life in a nutshell.


  1. I told you not to worry about the pink burger. And to be perfectly honest, I had forgoten about it about 20 minutes later

  2. Of course you had. It wasn't your burger. ;D

  3. Rachel, I just want you to know that I don't find your blog boring, and that I was sad when you didn't write for a week. Also, I laugh at you for worrying about a pink hamburger - that's how they're supposed to be! And I don't think you're one of the ditziest people ever for getting stuck on a rock, just funny ;)
