Sunday, May 31, 2009

I promised Josh and Emma that I would blog about the date I had this weekend, which is the first date I have had since Christmas. Of course, Josh called me early this morning and I already told him about it, but here it is, recorded for posterity and anybody else who cares.
On Friday night Josh and Emma were coming down to Provo. My phone rang, and I assumed it was Josh, because he is the only person who ever calls me. So I answered the phone "Hallooooo?" with a weird accent because I thought it would be funny. " this Rachel?" Rats. It is not Josh, or even one of my friends. Instead, it is Clint, a guy who was in my ward last year. He asked me to go on a group date with him the next night. I agreed, and he said he would pick me up at about 7:30. So far, so good.
I spent the day in Draper with my former roommate yesterday, and then she came back to Provo with me. We got back to my apartment at about 7:15, and I decided to go get ready a bit. Instead, there is a knock on the door. I sent Rebecca down to answer the door while I brushed my teeth, because nobody likes a date with bad breath. From downstairs, I hear "Are you ready to go?" Rebecca looks sort of similar to me, and Clint apparently thought she was me. So, I figured we were almost even for the way I answered the phone. She explained and I came down. I wasn't ready, but that's what happens when your date is 15 minutes early and you planned to spend 10 or 15 minutes on preparation.
We walked to his car, where he informed me that he doesn't believe in opening doors for girls. I happen to really like it when guys open doors for me, but no biggie, I guess. Also, all the other members of the "group" mysteriously couldn't make it. Suspicious. Anyway, we went to a theater about 2 miles from my apartment. We were half an hour early, so while we waited we talked. Clint was an interesting guy to converse with. Our conversation went about like this.
Me: So, what do you like to do?
Clint: I like to study.
Me: Oh. OK.
So what are you doing this summer?
C: Writing a book on the plan of Salvation and memorizing True to the Faith.
Me: Oh. Wow. [pause] That's cool.
After some awkward conversation, we watched the show. It was an improv show called The Thrillionaires, and it was hilarious. The actors took suggestions from the audience, and then incorporated them into the show. For example, they would say, "I have a shady past. What does it involve?" Or "I am obsessed with something. What?" Well, one of the characters had some phobias--she ended up being afraid of monkeys, giraffes, and the dark. So I said, "What about you? What are you afraid of?"
OK, then. So most of our conversation went like that. It was a tiny bit awkward, and I felt like anything I said would sound really trivial in comparison to his responses. Fortunately, he didn't really ask me a lot about myself. When he did, I alternately tried to come up with the least trivial-sounding things I could and tried to make him laugh. I don't think I was very successful at either.
After the show, we got milkshakes, and then came home. At the doorstep, he gave me a side hug. It was awkward. Now, in his defense, I think Clint was probably trying too hard to seem spiritual and impressive. He was a really nice guy, and he chose a great activity. I had fun, and he probably seems a bit more normal as you get to know him better. And that was my date.


  1. ahaha! I love it! This guy seriously seems like a huge weirdo... good old BYU. The problem is, he forgot to follow the golden rule of first dates for BYU and go to the temple. And I absolutely love that he thought Rebecca was you.

  2. I love it too. It really did make me feel better about my weirdness when answering the phone. Also, I don't think I've ever met somebody who has gone to the temple on a first date. I hope I never do, and I hope even more that I never am that person.

  3. 'A tiny bit awkward'? Um....more like a lot. I'm so sorry Rachel. If I had any seriously stellar guys to send your way, I totally would- but I don't :(

    Thanks for blogging the story :)

  4. ahahaha, this reminds me of my friend's awkward prom date this year. her date had never watched a non-church movie except for Aladdin, and never read a non-church book. he started reading Harry Potter once, but decided it was inappropriate and stopped. he also tries to put something about the church in every single one of his papers for a class with an anti-LDS teacher, because apparently he hopes to convert her or something. maybe her date was Clint's brother

  5. An excerpt from Clint's blog on the same date from his perspective:

    The girl I went out with answered the phone weird. Then she sent her twin to answer the door. Nice joke. She didn't bother getting ready until I showed up. Then she was acting like she was from the 50s because she thought I was her servant to open all her doors. Want me to chew your food for you too? Apparently the Gospel isn't the most important thing in her life either. She has other "priorities."
