Friday, May 8, 2009


Today was a good day. I was officially accepted into the chemical engineering program.
Also, I didn't have class today. I love not having school on Friday. Instead of being productive, I bought food, so now I won't starve. Then I watched Mythbusters. Now I know that it is definitely possible to blow up your house with bug bombs if you don't follow the directions. And also that it is possible to find a needle in a haystack. And that a child couldn't be carried away by balloons at a carnival unless the balloon man had 3000 balloons and gave them all to the child at the same time. And that you can, in fact, raise a sunken ship by filling it with ping pong balls. It is a pretty cool show, and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen in.
And, if that wasn't enough, tomorrow I am going to have a free french toast breakfast. I feel a tad bit guilty about taking free food from businesses that are trying to promote themselves when I know that all I want is the food, but not bad enough to stop eating it.


  1. Rachel, that post was so cool I'm going to have to post part of it on my blog. I call it blog stealing, and I apologize in advance :D

    I think you should steal all the free food you can. You are entirely too skinny (oh geeze, that's the Italian in me talking...sorry).

    And congrats on getting accepted into the chemical engineering program! Can you work on making a super chemical that kills all the spiders in the world simultaneously? Cause that would be pretty rad, I'm just saying.

  2. Congratulations on being accepted!
