Monday, August 23, 2010


Apparently my life can now be summed up by Dilbert cartoons.

In this case, I'm on the other side of the line. A few days ago I got a letter from my bank informing me that they had made changes to my credit card policy, which "may be beneficial, depending on how [I] use [my] account." What were these potentially beneficial changes, you ask?

Increased fees for late payments, cash advances, transactions in foreign countries, and going over balance.

Yep. That sounds beneficial, all right. Maybe it provides an incentive to be financially responsible, which is a good thing? Maybe they're going for the " is the root of all evil" angle? Or maybe it's just that they didn't specify who exactly gets the benefits. I think that's the one.


  1. In that case. Jacking up their fees will be beneficial for them because they will have more money and benefiical for you because of all the extra commercials you'll get to pay for! Whooopeee!

  2. haha, I love the title. that word makes me giggle inside. a giggle of joy

  3. I love bank commercials! Rachel, this is the greatest thing to ever happen to you!
