Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have been a lame blogger lately, and I apologize. My excuses are not very good, but I'm sticking with them. My computer was broken, so I couldn't blog at home (I since got the part I needed. Yay!) Also, I was really busy, but not with anything that would be particularly interesting to read about. I had to move, and I had finals, which just ended today. Today's final was in Classical Civilizations. The essay was the best essay question ever: "Which of the books we read this semester influenced you personally the most, and why?" Hello full credit! I love subjective questions like that.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a better topic. If the world were going to explode tomorrow and you could only administer cyanide capsules to one family member, three dogs, a cat, and one boyfriend, who would you choose and why? Also you could save anyone you wanted.
