Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Adventures of Last Night: Part Two

My roommate Nalene and I were sitting on the couch watching Jurassic Park. The other two members of our group had gone for a walk, so we were the only ones home.
Just as the movie got to a nice intense part, there was a huge BANG! that sounded really close. In the next eighth of a second or so, I considered the possibilities. It could be a gunshot, or a bomb, or a sonic explosion. Then there was the sound of shattering glass. It also sounded really close. Sonic explosion was sounding like the most reasonable explanation. I hadn't quite connected the dots at that point, and I thought it was somewhere else, or maybe part of the movie.
Being a quick thinker, however, I soon realized that it sounded close because it was close. As in right behind me close. Our living room is arranged so that the couch is right underneath a window. Anybody who really wants to can climb out on an eight inch ledge and look through our window (which is not as creepy as it sounds) or break it, as in this case.
Now, this was all still within the first half of a second (adrenaline will speed up your thinking considerably), so my next impression was that I felt like I was in a war movie. Nalene was screaming and there was glass falling from the window onto our couch, and, because I was sitting on the couch, onto me.
If I had no sense of shame, and wanted to field concerned phone calls, I would now say "To be continued..." and leave you until tomorrow. I won't do that, though.
Nalene and I looked up, and one of the guys in our ward was standing on the ledge looking very sheepish. He claimed he had seen us watching Jurassic Park and only meant to tap the glass loud enough to scare us. He felt really bad and kept protesting that it must be the weakest glass ever.
He came in to help us clean up the glass. We spent the next 45 minutes or so vacuuming up shards of glass. The next problem we had to face was the window. If you haven't noticed, this June has been unseasonably cold and rainy. We are now missing about 1/3 of our window. So, we cut a garbage bag in half and taped it over the hole. So, our living room looks very ghetto now. And that was the unplanned part of our adventure.


  1. So, someone broke your window trying to scare you? I think I've been one-upped... did you try to knife him like you did when I startled you when we were little?

  2. Did I knife you ever? Funny, I don't remember that part...
    I do point out every time somebody scares me that it's your fault I'm so jumpy, though.

  3. Rachel! You knifed Josh?! That is freaking amazing. I respect you on a whole new level now.

  4. So it wasn't a dinosaur after all! I was expecting a velociraptor attack. Those can be brutal.
