Thursday, June 18, 2009

About me

To make up for the lack of posting lately, here is a very long post, semi-plagiarized from Josh's blog.
Basic Info:
Full Name: Rachel Bohman
Single or Taken: Single
Sex: Female
Birthday: May 4
Sign: Taurus
Siblings: 2 brothers, 2 sisters
Eye colour: hazel
Shoe size: Sunday shoes: Between 7 and 8
Height: Just shy of 6 feet.
Country born: United States
Innie or Outie: Innie
What are you wearing right now: Pants and a t-shirt
Where do you live: Provo, UT
Righty or lefty: Right-handed
Any pets: A rabbit named Ebony
Who are your best friends: Mary Ann, Rebecca, Mike, Josh and Emma
Do you have a bf or gf?: I thought we covered this?
Best place to go for a date: McDonalds. Hands down . . . . Or not.
Outgoing or introverted?: I tend to be very introverted, but I'm working at being less antisocial.
Favorite kind of pants: The cheap kind.
Favorite Number: 72. Except when I'm doing math. then it's either 0 or 1.
Boys Name: I don't really have one.
Girls Name: I like Myriam.
Animal: Dolphins or sea turtles or puppies.
Drink: Orange juice
Sport: Archery. I also like watching gymnastics.
Fast-Food Place: Subways
Month: October
Band: I like Jem a lot, but not all the time.
Movie: Most recently I watched Batman Begins and Jurassic Park. Both good movies.
Breakfast: I like stuffed French toast.
Perfume: It depends.
Cologne: Again, it depends.
Favourite cartoon character: Wile E. Coyote.
Have you ever:
Given anyone a bath: me.
Smoked: no
Bungee Jumped: No.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: nope...this should come in handy when I'm playing "Never have I ever". I didn't realize my life was so uneventful.
Broken a bone: Josh broke my arm when we were little.
Played truth or dare: Is there somebody who hasn't?
Been in a physical fight: No.
Been in a police car: No.
Come close to dying: There was this one time when a bus driver was reading . . . and when I almost drowned in the swimming pool and was pulled out by the lifeguard.
Been in a sauna: Yes
Been in a hot tub: Claro.
Fallen asleep in school: Not before college. And not in a long time.
Ran away: No.
Broken someone's heart: I don't think so.
Cried when someone died: Yes
Flashed someone: Not on purpose.
Cried in school: Yes. One of many reasons I'm glad I'm no longer in middle school.
Fell off your chair: Many times.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Josh is the only one who ever calls me. And he doesn't call in the middle of the night.
Saved e-mails: Definitely
Made out with just a friend: no
Used someone: Not on purpose. But probably.
Been cheated on?: There has never been anybody who could cheat on me.
Done something you regret?: Are there people who haven't?
What is:
Your good luck charm: I used to have a piece of coral. Then I lost it. But I always did really well on tests when I brought the coral to school with me.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: I'm sure there are lots of things, but nothing springs to mind.
What's your room like: I don't have a room right now. When I did, it was nice. It has a place for all my things, and a space heater.
Last thing you said: Good night.
What is beside you: Nothing, really. A pillow, I suppose.
What shampoo do you use: The cheap kind.
Something that has happened to you this year: I am going to Wales two weeks from today.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: I was exposed to swine flu about three times in the last week.
Have you Had:
Chicken pox: Yes
Sore Throat: Yes
Broken nose:No
Tonsels removed: No.
Ice cream in the morning: Of course.
To give the heimlich: No. Knock on wood.
Would You:
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: Ick. No.
Go to a Manson concert if you had a free ticket: Why not?
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with : Somebody with a lot more survival training than I have.
Do you admire anyone?: yes
Who is the last person that called you: Mary Ann.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: That was a long time ago...and none of you know him.
What makes you laugh the most: my friends
What makes you smile: most things
Do You:
Do you like filling these out: sometimes
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Contacts.
Do you like yourself: Usually
Do you get along with your family: Of course
Have piercings below the waist: uh, no.
Stolen anything over $30: no
Obsessive: More than I would like to be.
Compulsive: Sometimes I find myself touching poles. Or counting everything.
Want to have children?: Yes
Like mornings?: Sometimes. Let's say I like the late morning.
Enjoy seafood?: love it
What makes you happy: Rain. Plans. Friends. Family. Food. Getting things done.
What did you do yesterday: Finished packing, moved out of my apartment, took a final, studied for another final, watched Batman Begins.
Got any awards: "Outstanding Sophomore in Chemical Engineering"
What car do you wish to have: Anything that runs.
Do you want to get married: yes
Good dancer: I'm not coordinated enough to be a good dancer.
Good Singer: I like singing. I don't think I'm particularly great at it.
Have a lava lamp: No. That would be cool, though.
How many remote controls are in your house: None that are mine.
Are you double jointed: I wish I were double jointed.
What do you dream about: Crazy disturbing things. Usually it's set either in a seaside town (last time I was there, it was the Spanish inquisition) or a department store (child labor, inability to find things, etc.)
Last time you showered: Last night.
The last movie you saw at the theatres: Um. I think it's been since last summer, and I don't remember.
Scary or happy movies: Happy all the way.
Vanilla or chocolate: Usually vanilla, but sometimes you just need some chocolate.
Summer or winter: summer. But spring and fall are the best.
Silver or Gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: pearl
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset. Sunrise is just so early!
Cats or dogs: I like cats. And dogs. But probably cats more.
Phone or in person: Neither. I hate people! (OK, in person. And I don't hate people)
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Second oldest

Wow. That was long. And I feel like I have done my penance. I won't go so long without posting again.


  1. -Haha, I love that your favorite number is 72. That is so random.

    -I'm jealous that you have a bunny. I'm officially coming over sometime before you go to Wales to see your bunny.

    -Archery is awesome.

    -I don't remember you crying in ELP. You were the coolest ELPer ever.

  2. "Outstanding Sophomore in Chemical Engineering"

    You are so outstanding! And you accidently flashed someone?

  3. Hmmm. I might take the fifth on that one. Actually, it's a stupid, embarrassing story, and I don't think I actually flashed anyone.
