Friday, July 2, 2010

Last blog ever

I recently learned of the magic "Next Blog" button. After a bit of experimentation, I determined that it takes you to blogs that are somehow similar to the last blog you were looking at. I thought, Hey, I wonder what blogger thinks my blog is similar to? So I tried it a few times. First it took me to a blog about how to make free or cheap international calls on cell phones. Boring, and also irrelevant. I refused to accept that. So I clicked back and tried again. The magic button whisked me away to the exciting world of Direct Plus Updates. This was similarly unacceptable. So I tried again. It took me to a technology/programming blog. No good. Fourth time is the charm? No, it just took me to Direct Plus Updates again.

Jonathan thought maybe it was just my computer, so he tried clicking "Next Blog" starting on my page. He got the international calls, then direct plus, then the international calls.

So apparently I am the most boring person in existence and my personal experiences are on par with instructions about how to call Sri Lanka on a cell phone. And that's why I can never blog again.


  1. But I like free international calls.

  2. If it makes you feel any better, I just checked to see where my blog takes me. It takes me to a lot of different, rather boring personal blogs, but one of the ones it directs me to is some aryan, white supremacist blog that every post was about hating Jews, blacks and asians.

  3. Josh, it's because you and that aryan both blog about papa h!
