Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On Facebook

A fairly recent trend on Facebook is for people to become "fans" of various people, things, and statements. For example, I log onto Facebook and in my news feed I read "Nancy H became a fan of 'I dont care about your farm, or your fish, or your park, or your mafia!!!'" and "Emily P became a fan of 'oh great now that song's stuck in my head all day and i only know 1 line.', 'When I'm home alone and I hear a noise, I suddenly go ninja', and 'I hate it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President.'"
This is all well and good. Sometimes the statements themselves are somewhat amusing. Sometimes it's enlightening to see what my friends are fans of. And sometimes I just have to wonder why anyone feels the need to point out that they are a fan of something.
For example, "I hate it when I lose in an argument." and "Questions on a test that give away the answers to other questions", and "I love those moments where you just smile and think, "i love life." Is there anybody who likes to lose an argument or who doesn't like questions that give away the answers to other questions? Are we going to see counter pages for these? "I love losing arguments and hate it when I win." "I want my tests to be as difficult as possible. No extra points for me, please!" (Just to check, I searched for these on facebook. There were about 500 pages for "I hate life", but none that said they like hating it. There also was a result for "i hate it when one lil argument causes a fight and you lose a friend :(" I'm sure we can all get behind that.)
Then there are the ones that follow the formula "Can this [food item or other silly thing] get more fans than [celebrity or popular movement]?" For example, "Can this pickle get more fans than Nickleback?" "can this sausage roll get more fans than cheryl cole?" "Can this Pickle get more fans than Twilight?" "Can this Squirrel get more fans than Barack Obama?" "Can this poodle wearing a tinfoil hat get more fans than Glenn Beck?" "Can This Hobo Get More Fans Than Justin Bieber?" And approximately 500 more.
I think I'm going to make a page called "I like being happy." I imagine I will get thousands of fans. You should all join. If you don't, it means you hate happiness. That is all.


  1. Maybe we can make a page called "I like failing tests, losing friends, and being unhappy". I bet we could get a lot of people to join. And then some of our other friends would stage an intervention, and how cool would that be?!

  2. I am a fan of things, such as this blog post.

  3. Josh, you've seen my page? Awesome! Make sure you guys all become fans!

  4. If you create a page....I will be a fan of it. Hands. Down.

    Also, that was basically the best blog ever and I'm sorry but I'm going to have to re-blog it....if that is unacceptable to you, let me know and I will take it down post haste.
