Sunday, February 21, 2010


Today I went to church. These are a few of the thoughts that occurred to me while I was there.
It's a bad sign when somebody starts a comment with "I don't know which apostle said this, but I'm pretty sure it was an apostle."
Do we know exactly what happened in the pre-existence, or what Satan/Lucifer was thinking? I don't think so. Judging by the heated debate (which led to the previous point), if there is somebody who knows, they have not passed on their knowledge to the rest of us. Maybe they tried, and we just didn't listen, but it is not common knowledge. I don't think Satan was trying to do a noble thing for us.
I wish I had emailed myself the right file so I could teach Sunday School without ad-libbing.
Why are we talking about gay marriage and R-rated movies?
Of all the days I haven't had to speak in Sacrament meeting, this is the one I'm most grateful for. All the speakers had to talk about the law of chastity. I understand that it's an important topic, but I don't want to be the one laying down the law for the entire ward.


  1. I should come teach in your ward. Here are the title of some of my own personalized lesson plans:

    "The Bible told me to start my own church, so I am just here to recruit new parishioners."

    "I was there during Satan's plan, and I remember thinking I am gonna share this with the world down on earth!"

    "So I had a dream last night that I should be the new bishop."

    "I am going to reenact Abraham's sacrifice when I am a dad but this time I am gonna follow through."

    "Peanuts and chocolate are against the word of wisdom and you are all going to hell for it."

  2. Send me to hell now, Jonathan, cause I ain't quittin'!

  3. A missionary said that "I don't know which apostle..." thing in our Sunday School class today, which is worse than some BYU student saying it because clearly you all know the truth (hopefully), but the missionary said it in the Gospel Essentials class where we had a bunch of less active, investigators and new member. I hate false doctrine!

    Also, about the law of chastity thing, yep, it's super important. But it'll become a lot easier to live by in about 2 months for you. Don't sweat it.
