Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The following is a letter to the editor published in BYU's campus newspaper yesterday. It is so outrageous, I can't tell whether it's sarcastic or serious. Either way, I think the author is crazy.

Capable woman
BYU culture struggles to maintain the outdated and patriarchal views that disguise feminine repression through seemingly selfless acts of self-proclaimed “gentlemen.” While walking through campus, I do not see any damsels in distress. I see competent, intelligent, professional
women that do not need a man to hold the door, pay for a date or even present a shiny ring in the traditional manner.
I have hands, thank you. I do not feel flattered when you awkwardly hold the door open for helpless little me. I also have money. Women who allow men to pay for them on a date are prostituting their worth not only in the relationship, but also in a capitalistic society that strives to provide equal opportunities. Our income is worth just as much as any man’s labor could produce. Finally, I am equally capable of finding my own mate. My agency need not be stifled by the whim of a male who finally decides that I am worthy to be by his side. I, too, can take a knee; I too can afford a ring. Do you want a princess cut or a solid band?
My fellow sisters in Zion, do not be fooled into thinking that men wear the pants in the relationship. You can, too. Not only are skirts a safety hazard, preventing you from running away from danger, but they are also a symbol of your submissiveness. So, zip up the pants and assume your position next to the man — not behind him.


  1. Hear hear! This woman has the right kind of thinking. When are you gonna ask me out on a date or two? Or three? I would like to be picked up once in a while.

  2. She seems deadly serious because of all the inflated syntax she chose to make her post sound more adult, which just makes me mad. It's not a whim for a man to take a knee and propose, Miss Bitter! And what does common courtesy (holding open a door) have to do with submissiveness and walking behind a man?! She's inconsistent, angry, frustrated, and annoying. I hate all women like her. Now instead of hating just men, I want to hate everyone. Thanks a lot, Bitter Woman!
