Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gimme a P! Gimme an R! Gimme an O! Gimme a C!...Oh, we'll finish later

Yesterday I had to turn in a draft of a paper. I have known about it since the semester started, and I picked a topic over a month ago. I have also been thinking about writing it for the past two weeks. Unfortunately, the operative word in that sentence was "thinking" instead of "writing". I also have been thinking about doing the research I needed to do. Again, I wish "thinking" were less important and "research" were more important. I ended up researching and writing the entire thing in one hour. On the one hand, I finished, and it was just a draft. On the other hand, I think it is the lowest quality work I've ever turned in. On the third hand (we're rapidly running out of hands here), think of all the research and writing time I saved!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. On the fourth hand, now you have a lot of potential for improvement (backhanded compliment courtesy of Leading Edge).

    Also, periods go inside quotes, E.g.,

    This evolved that way because typsetters had to keep that little period safe by putting the quote around him to keep him from getting broken. Think of the quotation mark as the period's bodyguard. Oh or better yet think of the sentence as the street and quoted material as the hot new club in town and the period is the VIP just arriving and the quote mark as the red velvet rope. That period is so in the club.

  4. Only in APA, Jonathan. Chicago still stands by Rachel's punctuation decision, and so should you. Quit trying to edit her blog posts!

    And school is hard, Rachel. Honestly, sometimes I think the professors should just be impressed that anybody shows up for their lectures some days...

  5. Camilla, blog to your face. I edit whatever whenever whatever whomever what. . .ever.
