Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In Which we Learn not to Give In to Peer Pressure

I went to my career skills class on Wednesday, comfortable in the knowledge that I could totally take anything that class could hand me. Then the teacher announced that we will be doing technical presentations, and all needed to choose a topic to talk about for twenty minutes. Now, this past summer I went to Wales, and everybody else in my graduating class got internships and did research. So, they all started listing the things they were going to talk about: Building silicone chips using lithography and etch, Vasoconstrictive technology in artificial organs, and various other long and difficult to pronounce project names.
At this point, I was fairly panicked. Everything I know that is remotely technical, everybody else in my class knows also. So, I did the only thing I could--gave in to peer pressure. I decided I had to choose a legitimate, intelligent-sounding topic. So I chose a topic a chemistry grad student I used to share an office with once gave a presentation on. He practiced the presentation on me, so I knew about the topic. It was Electronic Modeling of Protein Structures. The teacher was impressed, and asked if it's something I do research in. I thought that sounded fairly smart, and planned to switch topics fairly soon.
My justification for switching was going to be that it turned out to be more chemistry than chemical engineering. This came back to bite me, which I suppose was fairly predictable. It turns out there is an entire chemical engineering class called Molecular Modeling. So, I suppose electronic modeling of protein structures is about to be something I do research in.


  1. This comments is the comment in which we learn that if you would swallow your pride, you wouldn't need to be sucked into things you don't want to do. Just say that after more consideration, you won't be. And then don't take that class.
    Also, just a side note, you should consider growing a spine. They can come in handy every now and then.

  2. Haha. I think I'm going to switch topics as soon as I think of a different topic. I have to take the class to graduate, though.
