Friday, August 21, 2009


Some random stories and thoughts from the last few days:
There was a weird old drunk 50 year old man who kissed my hand. It was disgusting.
Tonight a drunk guy came up to me as I was walking with some friends. He said he had just been arrested, and that earlier a guy had stabbed him in the hand. Then he tried to show us his stabbed hand. I looked away, but it was definitely bloody.
We decided it would be prudent to avoid him, so we waited for a while, until he went into a store. Then we kept walking. A few minutes later, he caught up to us and started showing us his bloody finger again. Gross.
I keep hoping my blog will update itself. I log on over and over, hoping that there will be something new and entertaining to read. Then I remember that I have to write things first. Sigh.


  1. Yep. So far, the whole, 'convert semi-interesting experience to wildly fascinating blog post by thought' machine seems to still be in development.
    And that sounds amazingly like a ridiculous number of experiences I had on my mission. Yay alcohol.
    But it still doesn't beat my meeting a man wanted for attempted he was shacking up with a girl who was one of the victims. Who was letting him.
    And he was Scottish. Dang Scots.

  2. Hi Rachel! Hooray for me. I found your blog.

    That is all.
