Friday, August 14, 2009


The reason my group and I were hobos was to get tickets to Hamlet, starring Jude Law. Every morning they give out 30 standing tickets to the show, which has been otherwise sold out for months. So, we were first in line, and got our tickets to the matinee showing, because after that night, none of us were up for a 3:00 am return to Cardiff, which is what we would face if we went to the evening show.
The play was amazing! The acting was very powerful, and Hamlet gives a lot of scope for powerful acting. It captures human emotion, relationships and problems beautifully and portrays characters who are complex enough that you can relate to just about all of them. It was actually the first Shakespeare play I read that I actually enjoyed, and this performance was even better. It was worth the night as a hobo, which is saying something.
The best part? The director somehow heard that we had stayed out all night to get standing tickets, and he was impressed enough that he decided we needed more reward than the play. So, he invited us to come backstage when the play was over, meet him and some of the cast, and see the set. So cool! If you ever have the chance, take it!