Monday, August 10, 2009


Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. It will start at the ungodly hour of 5:45 in the morning, when I will catch a train to London. We're going to spend the day in Cambridge, then come back to London. You are probably thinking, "Nice, but not too interesting. And it certainly has nothing to do with hobos." Don't worry, it's coming.
In the evening, I'm probably going to a movie, and then it really gets good. We are going to spend the night in Leicester Square, which apparently is one of the seedier parts of London. To mitigate the problem this causes, we are going to have watches, and somebody will always be awake. Furthermore, because London tends to be cold and wet, we have each been issued a piece of plastic foam and two garbage bags to sleep on and in, respectively. At this point, you may be asking yourself why. This is a valid question. The answer is: Because we can.
OK, the answer is really because we want to get tickets to Hamlet. Jude Law is playing, and this apparently is big news. So, my life's goal list now looks like this:
Go to Wales [X]
Try sushi[X]
Sleep on the streets as a hobo []
But after tomorrow, I will be able to check off the hobo box too. Pretty sweet, isn't it?


  1. My box now looks like:
    Let Rachel become my hero/ a hobo [X]
    And by the way, the reason drunks don't mind sleeping on the streets? Cause they're drunk and don't feel jack. You're gonna be miserable. Heck, if I were you, I'd go find a McDonalds or something that's open all night and sit in there drinking hot chocolate. Except then you'd lose your place in line to get tickets. So, maybe you shouldn't do that.

  2. That sounds...interesting. So are you just camping in front of the ticket box office place?

  3. Yep. We are camping out under an overhang to get the tickets. I kept thinking of McDonalds, but then I remembered it would defeat the purpose.

  4. you are officially my hero. like seriously.

    Good luck!
