Sunday, April 26, 2009


My friends and I made a pinata last night. He was made out of balloons covered with gooey newspaper, just like in second grade. Then we covered him with tissue paper, gave him a Bob Marley hat, and named him Ross. Usually you're supposed to let pinatas dry for days, but the guys I was with didn't want to wait. So they sent my roommate and me to get our hair dryers, and we blow-dried Ross. Then came the moment of truth: they thought Ross was dry, and decided to stick a needle in him to pop the balloon.
Ross was not dry. The balloon was still supporting the papier mache, and Ross imploded. Not about to let a little detail like that stop us, we stuffed him with candy anyway and duct-taped him back together, then broke it open with a golf club. Good times.


  1. Wow. You guys are...special. By the way, are the Carson brothers still your family home evening brothers? (Or at least Tyler?)

  2. That is officially the coolest thing I have ever heard. Did y'all not take pictures though?!!!

    Your life is infinitely cooler than mine.
