Sunday, April 26, 2009


So, today I was eating peeps. Now, I don't particularly like peeps, but for some reason my mom thinks I love them, so she gave me some. I don't dislike them either, and I haven't unpacked my dishes, so when I was hungry I thought they would make a good snack.
There was a knock at the door. I went to answer it, and there stood my sort-of roommate and her boyfriend. I say sort-of roommate because she is paying rent but she will be in Europe the whole time I am here, so I will not actually be living with her. She had come to pick up some stuff she wants to take with her. I talked for a few minutes, but I always feel a bit awkward when I am with somebody and their boyfriend, so soon I went back upstairs to my peep-eating and left her to her thing-gathering.
About 30 seconds later, I realized that my fingers were stained blue from the peeps. I became suspicious and went to look in a mirror. Sure enough, my teeth and lips were stained blue too. So I looked pretty awesome when I answered the door. And I gave new meaning to bluetooth.


  1. If you're bored and you know it, write in your blog!

  2. Haha...I think peeps are gross too.

    You need to check this out:

  3. Emma-that was one of the funniest things I have ever seen! Methinks somebody had way too much time and too many peeps on their hands.
