Sunday, April 26, 2009


My last post was a bit whiny, so I thought I would balance it out with another post having some things for which I am grateful.
My computer is faster now than it was this morning. This is a big deal. I uninstalled a lot of programs that I don't really use and freed up about 10% of my computer's memory. The operating system and remaining programs still take up about 65-70% of the computer's memory, but it is a huge improvement. There is enough memory to run the internet, for example. Yay!
I found somebody to buy my stats book. This book is a paperback, about 500 pages long, but cost $110 used. I tried to sell it back to the bookstore, but they offered me $12, so I decided to try to find somebody else who would buy it for a more reasonable price (say $80-$90). And I found a buyer! Also, I found somebody who will sell me my econ textbook for $70 instead of the bookstore's $175. So, the buyer gets a cheaper price than the bookstore will give, and the seller gets more than 10% of the book's price. I love win-win situations.
The former occupants of my apartment left an awesome book by C. S. Lewis. I love C. S. Lewis. He is one of the most inspiring Christian writers ever. I hope to someday be half as insightful and amazing as he was. In the meantime, I will keep blogging and hopefully at least be mildly amusing.
Facebook offers a Welsh translation. My facebook is now in Welsh. This is seriously awesome. Of course, I don't really speak Welsh, so every time I click I am either guessing or trying to remember what the buttons said in English. I think I have already done some weird things, and will probably do more, but that's really not the point. The point is that my facebook is in Welsh.


  1. You are my favorite nerd ever. And I say nerd with a huge amount of respect. Seriously.

  2. So you took my advice to clean up your computer's memory. I'm proud of you.
