Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Return of Captain Obvious

I was reading the newspaper today when I saw something truly earth-shattering that I knew I had to share with the world. According to this article, anti-depressants are highly prescribed in Utah. Here are some of my very favorite quotes:

"People with chronic diseases are more likely to use anti-depressants." I'm shocked! Who would have guessed that a medicine the Mayo Clinic calls "a mainstay in the treatment of many chronic pain conditions" would be frequently used by people with chronic diseases? This is not even including the fact that being told you will suffer from a disease for a long time/the rest of your life/the rest of your shortened life could cause depression.

"Anti-depressant use also increases with age, according to the study." This couldn't possibly have anything at all to do with the fact that older people are more likely to have chronic diseases.

“If you look at where money is being spent on health care in Utah, it’s among people with chronic diseases." Another shocker. It isn't just the one-time visits to the emergency room or the more-or-less annual 20-minute appointment with a doctor? People who have a long-term condition requiring medical attention spend more money on prescriptions and doctor's appointments? Color me surprised.

Captain Obvious's next research goal? "To find out why people use anti-depressants and submit another report on that sometime in January or February of next year." I guess it just takes that long to google it.


  1. "Health care [sic]". Is that better?

  2. I like the Google link! that's so cool! how do you do that?

  3. Like this.

    Fun site for those who are feeling snarky. Apparently that's me.
