Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Yesterday I was in my technical writing class and we were talking about persuasion. The teacher decided it would be cool to bring in a theological perspective and talk about Satan, who persuaded people to follow him even though they knew that an omniscient and perfect God had another plan. So we had a long theological discussion, which was interesting. The best part was the last minute of class though. The teacher's conclusion to the entire discussion was "OK, so the next time you're trying to persuade somebody, ask yourself: What would Satan do? And then do that."
Good advice, but somehow I'm uncomfortable making that my mantra.


  1. Your teachers are insane! Satan and wikipedia? What are they teaching you at that place?!

  2. I have always followed the Great Satan's advice and look where it's led me.

  3. Yeah... creepy as it is, it's actually a really, really good way of persuading people. I've done it.
