Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rachel vs. the DMV

If you, for some reason, were entirely obsessed with me, you may remember that I actually changed my name almost a year ago. Since then, I have had no confirmation of who I actually am. So that's cool, but I decided it had to change. So, my naivety intact, I decided to head to the Driver's License Division and get things taken care of.
While there I learned the following things:

Just because their website says your address is changed doesn't mean the employees there will realize it.

Apparently there is a problem with people who have their driver's license (with their photo and so forth) mailed to somebody else's address.

A document from the internet is good proof that you live where you say you live.

A receipt showing that you paid $500 for the privilege of moving into an apartment is not.

A signed or verbal statement from my husband/cohabitant or my apartment manager is not.

You can change your address over the internet or phone with no information besides your driver's license number and new address. In person, you need your driver's license number, previous address, birth certificate, social security card, and two pieces of mail. Or a piece of mail and something you printed off the internet. Or a signed lease agreement. (I didn't realize the risk of fraud was so much greater in person.)

It doesn't matter if you were in the building before they close. If you haven't been helped by closing time, you must leave.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, you should know by now, the internet is a much more valid place to do things than in person. Less chance of fraud, you know
