Sunday, January 23, 2011

How to Occupy a Sunday

1. Go to church.
2. Eat lunch.
3. Study scriptures.
4. Check time. Only 1:00? This is going to be a long day.
5. Check facebook.
6. Check email.
7. Play tetris.
8. Check facebook again.
9. Read about Frida Kahlo, her husband, and various other subjects linked from their pages.
10. Play the Papa H game.
11. Make dinner. Even though you're bored, do not follow the trying-to-seem healthy and upscale Pasta Roni directions. No, I will not stir constantly for 18 minutes. Yes, it turned out fine.
12. Play the Papa H game some more.
13. Check email and facebook one more time.
14. Post vaguely whiney facebook status about being bored. Be disgusted with yourself for perpetuating something you disapprove of on principle (namely, vaguely whiney facebook statuses).
15. Check time again. 6:15? Why is time going so slowly?
16. Pluck eyebrows. Floss teeth.
17. Check facebook. Check email.
18. Try to think of a decent blog post idea. Fail. Decide to write a list of what you've done today instead.
19. Write dumb blog post.
20. Check time again. 7:10? You've got to be kidding me.

1 comment:

  1. 21. Stare into the abyss and slip slowly into madness.
    22. Call your husband when you are half asleep and speak gibberish.
