Thursday, September 23, 2010


Every vicious cycle has some backstory, so here's mine.

I am not a morning person. At all. Before 10:00, the world is a colorless place associated with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, a nasty taste in my mouth, unbearably heavy eyelids, and a vague sense of impending doom. On the other hand, I love nights. They are full of bright lights, time with friends, and a carefree assurance that I can, in fact, accomplish everything I need to and everything I want to, as long as I don't mind staying up later.

And now the sad part comes. Somehow, I've fallen into the bad habit of being early to bed and earlier to rise. So far, I don't feel particularly healthy, I am not wealthy at all, and based just on my sleeping habits, I must be very unwise. But I can't seem to break the cycle.

Here's how the death spiral goes. I have lots of homework, and it takes lots of time to do. So at some point I decided it would be wise to go to bed, and wake up early and do my homework. That meant that the next day, I was tired early, and I had to go to bed early. But my homework still wasn't done. So I set my alarm for an alarmingly early awakening. And the next night I got tired early again. And so forth.

The results of all this? Every morning I am awake by 5:00am (5:30 at the latest). And I get extra hours of feeling pale and washed-out, and then I'm asleep when I should be enjoying the vibrancy of the night. Tragic, isn't it?


  1. It's easy foo. Just sleep in with me on Saturday morning. Then you'll stay up later Saturday night, Sunday etc.

  2. Don't listen to him. Keep this up and hang out with me in the mornings.

  3. It's not even really the morning. It's more like the middle of the night. Today I got up at 4:00.

  4. ew. that's the worst! I think I would just give up and die

  5. I would knock myself out so I could sleep in. That's the worst, guy!
