Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Some things should not be done. Ever. And certainly not in public. Fortunately for me, I encounter the people who disregard common sense and social mores.

Yesterday I walked into a public restroom on campus. Now, I usually assume that it isn't any of my business what people do in restrooms. If somebody wants to talk on the phone, I think it's kind of odd (mostly because if I were talking to somebody and suddenly heard a toilet flush, I would be a little weirded out), but I'm not going to judge them. But I will admit that I was pretty shocked to see a lady eating her lunch in the restroom. Using the baby change station as her table. Um, gross. Not twenty feet away from the restroom is a lounge, including tables (real tables) and chairs (soft, comfortable chairs). If she really, really wanted to eat in the bathroom, there's a rarely used mother's lounge that also has a small table and a couch. Who chooses hunching over a diaper changing table instead of eating her grapes in comfort and hygiene?

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