Saturday, June 5, 2010

This blog is free (and up)

While Jonathan and I were driving to California last weekend, we saw a bunch of signs advertising food. Most of the restaurants were probably the only place to get food for miles, so they didn't need to have particularly great food or great prices. But we were getting hungry, so we gave into temptation and stopped at one of the places. The signs had said "Buffet for $5.99! and up" When we arrived, it turned out the price was "and up"--$9.99. The selling points of the buffet included oatmeal, grits, and scrambled eggs.

Later, we drove past a video store. It said everything was "Up to 50% off!" We went inside. It turned out most of the good things had either been horrifically overpriced to start with or were only 5% off.

We knew going to both of these places that we probably weren't going to get as good a deal as was advertised. And yet we went anyway. Why is it that marketing works, even when you know what's going on?


  1. Speak for yourself. I entered thinking we were gonna get great deals.

  2. once upon a time there was a girl named Rachel. Rachel was pretty awesome, except for the fact that her even awesomER sister Kristina wanted her to update her blog more often, which she never did. one day Kristina was so sad about this that she decided to write weird comments on Rachel's last post. The End
