Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sleep Talk

Jonathan: They always do that in comedies.
Me: What?
Jonathan: Ugh! You're in a tent!
Me: I'm not in a tent.
Jonathan: No, it's like a comedy! And you're in a tent, and it's like the Avengers!
Me: I don't know what you're talking about.
Jonathan: That's because you're a ridiculous fool!

Now that Jonathan is fully awake, he claims that this actually made more sense in his dream. Apparently this was supposed to refer to how in movies (especially sci fi/fantasy), it can be a happy ending even if hundreds of innocents died before the evil was defeated.

1 comment:

  1. I got up before Camilla this morning, and when I went back into the room to get something she looked up, said "Nerker", and rolled over. Jonathan's more eloquent in his speech.
