So I found this link that tells readers, "prepare to be impressed." We're all going to learn 23 things you can do with a microwave. I thought it might be interesting, so I started reading.
To my surprise, the first six or so items included: Soften butter. Melt butter. Melt chocolate. Soften cream cheese. Honestly, that all sounds like one thing you can do with a microwave - heat things. Then it moved on (but not really). Did you know that you can also use a microwave to heat syrup, cook vegetables, and warm tortillas? Now you know!
Inspired, I decided to make my own list of 23 things you can do with a microwave. I have included it below for no charge, even though somebody got paid for the first list.
1. Cook hotdogs.
2. Heat leftover mashed potatoes.
3. Defrost chicken.
4. Defrost beef. (This totally counts as different, if melting and softening butter are different)
5. Melt cheese.
6.Heat hot fudge sauce.
7. Heat a frozen dinner.
8. Boil water for chicken broth.
9. Boil water for beef broth.
10. Heat water for hot chocolate.
11. Heat milk for hot chocolate.
12. Make a non-crispy cheese quesadilla.
13. Re-liquify honey that has crystallized.
14. Heat poptarts.
15. Make fettuccine.
16. Make spaghetti.
17. Make ravioli.
18. Make rigatoni.
19. Make angel hair pasta.
20. Heat marinara sauce.
21. Heat alfredo sauce.
22. Cook peas (they already covered artichokes, asparagus, beans, squash, and carrots, each in their own item. I can't believe they missed peas!).
23. Cook sweet potatoes.